Friday 1 March 2013

The really important Firsts.

Speak to any person on the street and ask them about the important firsts and they'll give you the standard list: First breath, first word, first steps, first day at school, first crush and the first time you have sex.
But what about after the seemingly IMPORTANT firsts are all over and done with, are we done with new experiences? I mean just because you've had sex for the first time doesn't make you an expert and just because you've taken your first steps doesn't mean you can go run a marathon does it? I feel like people worry too much about Firsts, especially the first time you have sex and fall in love! I mean at the end of the day how many peoples first relationships work out? (I looked it up and its something like less than 5%) We all make this big deal about milestones but essentially, every day is a milestone. For me coming to university has meant that I've begun seeing alot more of these milestones on the roadside of this journey i call my life. The first time i ever got drunk being one that was particularly memorable whereby i somehow constructed a fort out of the furniture in the communal area of my Student flat, much to the amusement of my rather hungover flatmate as she emerged the next day and found me asleep inside it. It's never the skills we pick up on our first times doing things that get us anywhere in life or determine how we will live the rest of our lives but yet purely provide a little 'groping around in the dark' and exploration to get us comfortable. I have been in relationships practically my whole teenage life with guys that weren't right for me and these experiences have shown me what i do not want, rather than what i do. I used to get so down on myself when things didn't happen the way i wanted the first time i did them. Then in moving away from home and having to deal with my own mistakes,and without any parental supervision at all i realise that i will never stop making mistakes, and all i can do is learn from them. Another first that i have encountered was the first time i had ever lived with other people my own age, which i can tell any potential students right now has more challenges than you can ever be prepared for attached to it!

Like i said... i feel like people make this massive deal about firsts, when in all honesty what we should be concerned about is where we go from there, how can we better ourselves, how can we learn from what we did wrong the last time. I mean if everyone was as concerned about first times as some people i know Edison would never have invented the light-bulb just because his first ideas didn't pan out so good. It makes me wonder if this obsession with firsts comes from the impact of a first impression, because the judgments we make in the first hour of meeting someone impact how we see them for perhaps the rest of the relationship we have with them. Why do you think mother child bonding occurs most strongly within the first few hours after birth? My point is, in this world there is so much to experience, so do as much as you can, for as long as you want, with as much enthusiasm as you can muster... because tomorrow you could be dead!

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