So i'm looking around recently at all the people who are stretching their ears and having just gotten my navel pierced and planning on having another tattoo done, you start to wonder how our generation is going to look when we are 90...if we make it that far. The attitude of so many people today is YOLO and i'm just like...WHUT?!?!
The people who live above me are exactly the same age as me and yet they choose to run around and scream until get to thinking. When is it time to bite the bullet and grow the fuck up.
It's like when we decide to go to university we are prolonging our adolescence. Those people who go straight into employment have to grow up, because if they don't they lose their job and income. But with the government paying for the majority of our living expenses, lecturers not giving a crap if we don't turn up and only needing 40% on an assignment to pass, university students often find themselves not growing up at all. In fact perhaps we are all just regressing to the year 11 state before the stress of A levels takes hold.
Now i'm not slagging off university students in any way. It just seems like university is the easier option between getting a job or continuing on to higher education sometimes. I mean i'm sure i'll regret writing this in my third year when making the blood sacrifice every student gives in order to get their dissertation finished. But for whoever says that the country's elite are in our universities. I say to them: I dare you to walk down a student clad street past 11'o clock on a Friday night without getting puked on or without having profanity yelled at you by some inebriated 'Genius' or 'Future politician'.
The other thing i find hilarious as you look around the University Gym with guys pumping iron and women running on treadmills is that the majority of these people sweating, huffing and puffing will be either drinking themselves into a stupour or getting so high they don't even remember their own names only five or six hours later. I can't help but think that when our generation is old and wrinkly we will still be going out on the lash. How old is too old to be getting high, drunk and partying til the early hours of the morning? I mean lets be honest, how many of us want to picture ourselves on a porch in a rocking chair sat next to only a bottle of tequila?
The other thing about university is...there are some people who never leave! With being able to get funding from the government for multiple degrees, masters and doctorates why not have your life aspiration to be remaining a student for all time? Who needs a career when you have a student card and the ability to hang with 'the kids' getting smashed and then going for a Maccies?
The only thing i can say about all this is that when i see them opening a night club for the over 80's in about 50 years i'm running off beachy-head full pelt. After all, it is true, we do only live once, but at the end of the day isn't it also true that we can live for up to a hundred years? That just seems like a really long time to me. Especially with the way people behave in todays' society.
Any opinions? Drop me a line.
Atargatis, over and out xxx
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