As the Easter holidays draw to a close i begin to re-pack my life back into the many boxes that journey between my home and University as i have done many times before. It is an interesting journey that of a university student, one filled with highs and lows and above all else life lessons. It appears every time i return from university it i bring back more than i went with, and not just material objects either, i'm talking about life experience. University isn't right for everyone, and at one time, i didn't think it was the right place for me, but as i have moved through the terms i have realised that the more independence university gives me the stronger and more able i become. It's a big decision to make, moving away from home and away from everyone and everywhere that you are familiar with, but if the fear of the unknown is whats stopping you, then put that to rest, because for all you know the unknown could be the best thing that ever happened to you.
It's true what they say about the university year, the first term, everybody has so much energy: going out partying and getting wasted every night, making the effort to join societies and sports teams, go to the gym, making it to lectures seem so easy. It's the 'second term slump' thats the bitch! When you come back after Christmas, the honeymoon period with your flatmates is over and everyone gets on each others nerves more, everybody has pretty much steam rollered through the money they had saved for the first term, the weather is usually crappy, exams seem to never end during the first few weeks of January and lectures at 9am seem less and less appealing as the weeks go by! It's hard to keep it going, especially when everybody is seemingly alot more settled and less up for going out every night. It's as interesting phenomenon, but not one that can't be beaten, for me i used this time to broaden my skill set, i started a blog, learned some new recipes and broadened my friendship group by reconnecting with some old friends from high-school that i hadn't been in touch with too much, but went to the same university as me! I also made a bigger effort with people back home, its easy to forget, but those people who choose not to go to university and rather stay home and work lose a whole set of friends as university goers disperse across the country.
The third term, the one which i am about to start, is a funny one, not filled with lectures, but rather exams that for me are few, and assignment deadlines. Also this term is only 4-5 weeks in length, which makes going back at all seem at times, pointless. I plan to make the best of this by making the most of the nice weather and trying to discover some outdoorsy stuff to do around the city, also it can't hurt to start on the reading list for next year, being prepared is never a bad thing.
So enough rambling from me about the layout of a year at Uni and here for your enjoyment are the Top ten life lessons i have learned while being at university.
1) Don't piss off the people who live above you, they can make your life a living hell!
2) Talking about a problem to someones face is always better than bitching about it.
3) Old friends can be the best!
4)Never drink and then try to use the stove
5) When buying heavy stuff for your flat (e.g toaster) go as a group so one person doesn't get lumbered carrying it!
6) Never put eggs in a carrier bag with heavy stuff!
7) Never mouth off to the security in halls (especially during a fire drill)
8)When on a night out, nobody gets left alone!
9)Always party like there's no tomorrow.
10) the only person who can make you really happy is you, so get out and do as much as you can!
What life lessons do you wish you could have passed on to yourself when you were younger? What did you learn by going to university? Drop a comment and let me know!
Atargatis, over and out! xxx
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