Monday, 4 March 2013

Warning: Pretty is the new ugly.

I've been writing this blog a little while now and i've been getting this question quite frequently:
"Why is your blog called coyote pretty? That's a bit of a weird name isn't it?"
Well yes, it is a weird name, but as with most things, there is a reason. It comes from the film 'Coyote Ugly'

"Have you ever woken up from a one night stand and the person lying next to you is so ugly that you would rather chew off your own arm than wake them? THAT'S Coyote Ugly!"

So what happens when you wake up the next day from a one night stand and the person lying next to you, ISN'T so ugly you want to chew off your own arm? What if in fact you (foolishly so) find yourself hoping for more than just one night? Well that is what i do, find myself unable to let go, and that is why my blog is thus named 'Coyote Pretty'.

It's interesting that in life we find ourselves so willing to heed all the cautious advice telling us  to look after our bodies as we only get the one, but isn't it true that we only get the one heart as well? When you buy a packet of cigarettes, there in bold letters on the front ' SMOKING KILLS' but where is the giant warning label on the head of the guy you've just met in a night club saying 'ISN'T LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP' or 'IS A NEUROTIC EGOCENTRIC ASSHOLE.' Even if these labels were provided, would it stop us? Knowing as most of us do by now, that everybody comes with baggage, where's the line between baggage so heavy it can't possibly be overlooked, and that which you can help someone carry? If only there was a pill we could take to lift that fog caused by infatuation and hormones rushing around us at a hundred miles an hour, some workout we could undertake to keep our hearts strong, protected and impervious to the charms of people we would be better to avoid. I suppose having been through several guys as of late it is clear that the best medicine for such things is breaking your cycle, learning from our mistakes and learning that if someone won't make the effort you expect them to, they probably aren't worth your time. This is certainly what i will be doing from now on and to the guys that have been messing me around i can honestly say i just don't have the freaking' time or effort to keep someone around who isn't bothered.

Obsession is a funny thing, when it overtakes us we can do some incredibly stupid things, even to the point of self destruction. I was reading today about a girl who was being attacked online by these so called 'beliebers' for getting her tweet re tweeted by the Bieber himself. She said:

"Not really a fan of Justin Bieber but his acoustic album is really good!"

Yes people... this girl is so clearly evil and deserves to be bullied online for being grown up enough to put her preconceived ideas aside, and actually withhold judgement in order to experience something new that Justin Bieber has created... I mean surely as fans they should be glad that more people are jumping on the 'belieber' bandwagon right? Instead the 15 year old who originally tweeted this has been met with comments such as 'go kill yourself' and being called a 'whore'. I swear it worries me how the future scientists, politicians and parents of our world will turn on each other over something so completely and utterly ridiculous.

Anyhoo, that's me about done ranting for today, trying out a few new styles of blogging each time i post now, so drop me a comment and let me know what you think!

Atargatis over and out xxx

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